Frequency to wavelength
In free space, one wavelength equals 299,800 meters divided by frequency in kilohertz. Examples:
(meters) (feet)
566 1856
333 1093
214 703
176 579
Radio waves travel more slowly in a conductor than in space. One result is that practical antennas can be 3 to 5
percent smaller than the free-space wavelength size. For example, a half wavelength at 1 MHz is about 150 meters, but a half-wave
dipole made for that frequency only needs to be 142 to 145 meters long. The exact electrical length of an antenna depends
on the ratio of wavelength to conductor diameter, and on the effect of supporting insulators at the ends.
radiation resistance and efficiency
"Radiation resistance" (not to be confused with impedance) refers to the energy absorbed into free space from the antenna
circuit. A higher radiation resistance indicates more energy is being radiated into space.
The approximate radiation resistance (RR) of a short vertical antenna (not endowed with loading coils or capacitance
hat) can be found by this equation:
400 height2
RR = ---------
Example: An antenna for a frequency of 1700 kHz (wavelength = 176 meters) is 5 meters tall. Radiation resistance
is about 0.32 ohms.
If the antenna is 1/16 wavelength tall, the radiation resistance will be around 2 ohms. If 1/8 wavelength tall, 7.5 ohms.
The efficiency of a vertical antenna system is given by:
efficiency = ---------------------------------
( RR + Ground Loss + Loading Coil Loss
Example: Radiation resistance is 2 ohms, ground loss is 3 ohms, and loading coil loss is 2 ohms. Efficiency is 0.285
or about 29 percent. If 10 watts were input to this antenna, 2.9 watts would be radiated into space and the rest would be
dissipated in the system losses.